Archive for Nationwide

Hartford TEA party

April 15, 2009 will go down in history as the day the “silent majority”, fed up with big government, spoke out with one firm voice. “We’re mad as hell and we won’t take it any more!” Carrying our signs my wife and I gathered with 5,000 other patriots on the North Steps of the State Capitol in Hartford, one of several hundred such gatherings nationwide.

The biased media outlets are trying very hard to discredit the fact that TEA parties held all across the country were indeed a “Grass Roots” uprising, by calling them a “Fox News” or “Republican effort.” Well that doesn’t change the fact that all big government, career politicians, regardless of party affiliation, who ignore the people they represent, who are lying, greedy, self serving and buying votes with our tax dollars, should start packing!

Even though the TEA Parties were all but ignored by the media, hoping they would fizzle, many more attended then generally reported, understating the size of the crowds to appease the liberal lefties won’t stem the rising tide. Despite the fact it was ill reported and held on a Wednesday when taxpayers are working or running a businesses in order to support themselves and their families it was a phenomenal turnout and only the beginning. I personally know several people who wanted to come but work or family matters kept them away. I believe that everyone attending the nationwide protest knows at least one and most know several who wanted to be there, at the very least the crowds could have doubled or tripled. I personally vow to convince at least one person who would not have come to go to the next one. Think of the turnout if the MSM played it straight and actually reported it before hand, well guess what we don’t need them, we know what we want and we will seek it out.

We were at the Hartford TEA party, no one asked us to come, and we do not belong to any political party. I talked to many and we had Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, unaffiliated and several minor parties represented, some even admitting to voting for Obama! There were Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young and old, a cross section of our population and the official size of the crowd in Hartford alone was 5,000 strong!

Speak out now before it’s too late. God bless America.

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What if G.W. ordered deadly force?

Much credit is being heaped on Obama for the Somalia Pirate incident, when in reality all he did was to “authorize” the Captain to use deadly force if the life of the hostage was in danger.

It’s prudent and proper to respond with deadly force against this form of terrorism (robbers with a “good business plan” -CNN) and I applaud the outcome, however I have this question.

I can’t help but wonder where all the Bush bashers are now that Obama has engaged in “cowboy diplomacy” getting the pirates “mad at us” and making us “less safe”. Let’s see — The libs are actually praising him for killing 3 kids in lifeboat who were running out of food, water and ammunition, they were actively negotiating for the hostage’s release and so scared by being surrounded by our warships they were ready to just hand him over!

How would that have played were it G.W. B.?

Postscript — The surviving pirate will brought to the U.S. for trial and provided with zealous attorneys, all under the watchful eyes of the ACLU guarding his “rights” at every turn. He’ll probably sue for damages and might even win!

One more hollow point could have saved us taxpayers a ton of money.

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Somolia – right or wrong?

Pundits are asking the question if the killing of the terrorists/ pirates was right or wrong.

The question they should be asking –

Was this Obama’s big chance to show he is willing to take a hard line to protect American interests, without really getting in the face of the real threats to our security?

Ans. YES!

I have grave doubt that Obama will be use deadly force against any real threat to this nation. It’s one thing to shoot 3 pirates in a life boat in the middle of the Ocean that were ready to give up, scared and running out of food water and ammunition, then to reply with deadly force against a threat with a real means of retaliation.

Let’s see if he’s willing to get in the face of the real threats!

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Tilting at windmills, perhaps but…!

Frequenting several blogs, I am aghast that some posts are advancing the thought that writing to our legislators is a useless endeavor saying they are abandoning that course and others should as well. The notion being that their (our) letters haven’t changed the support those legislators are giving to the Obama appointees or his agenda. How wrong to think that way!

They most likely live in a state, like mine, whose legislators share Obama’s leftist and socialist agenda while having a blind loyalty to their party thus turning a blind eye to their constituents. Those legislators are seeking the favor of the “entitled” while passing guilt on to those who have achieved a comfortable success, all to ensure their re-election!

While I share their frustration, writing my senators and representatives with full awareness they will ” thank you (me) but …….” or not respond at all, we must continue else we have sent them a message that we are giving up and waiting for the next election.

Folks, their might not be a next election if we don’t keep writing, in fact we must flood their offices with letters of dissent. If you think our democracy can’t fall so fast, think again! It only took six years from when Hitler took office with the same degree of populist fervor as Obama, to “death camps” operating at full speed, six years! Do you think it would take so long to eliminate term limits on the presidency?

Write, write, write, it will slow the tide, perhaps even a few will open their eyes. Whatever the outcome we can not, must not send them a message by silence. That message being our will is sapped and we are retreating to lick our wounds, while they can forge ahead with rash abandon.

Our country, our democracy and our way of life hang in the balance.

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Don’t Speak for Us!

“America was founded on Christian principles when only 17% of Americans belonged to churches, that number rose to 62% by the time Ronald Reagan assumed office.”

Today, a great majority of Americans are Christian and a majority of non-Christians and agnostics espouse the exact same principles that are at the root of Christianity, in fact the latest figures I could find put the number of non-Christians who do not espouse Christian principles at a mere 8% meaning 92% of all Americans identify themselves as Christian or as believing in Christian principles. Lest we forget, though the percentage of Christians in this country has declined, so has the immigration of non-Christians increased, as an old algebra professor once told me it’s all in the way you scale the graph.

Liberals love to present information in the way it advances their agenda, they want you to ignore the large population of Muslims, Hindus, Shintos, Confucians, Baha’i’s and etc. that call America home. Witness, those whom are recognizable by their dress have become so commonplace that they are virtually unnoticed in today’s population. What the true numbers are I don’t know and I don’t really care because I do know that my America is not only overwhelmingly Christian it is also Christian principled. Those who would tell us differently are turning those very principles against us!

We as Christian Americans believe in religious freedom and we welcome those looking to practice theirs here, in peace, so don’t try to tell us that we are not a Christian Nation!.

Mr. Obama – Just because your tele-prompter says so doesn’t make it true. How do we know you’re lying? Your lips are moving! Whether your muddling through your own thoughts or reading the epistle of your holy cathode ray tube, you veil the truth. Every day more and more people see you for what you are and are no longer listening.

Read my lips AMERICA was, is and will ever remain A CHRISTIAN Nation!

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AP Deifying Obama!

What will it take for the love affair to end?

The mainstream media’s worship of Obama as shown in an Associated Press article by Tom Raum, April 5, 2009.

Is it any wonder he gets a pass on everything he says or does!


Photo from Associated Press Article, by Tom Raum

By Tom Raum -Associated Press.

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Miles to go before I sleep

It extremely hard to pick a subject about Obama and the current administration to blog about as there are so many to choose from, they increase exponentially almost daily and I want to write about them all! When I begin a composition and several more equally good or better subjects come out of the Obama camp, where do I begin?

Take the “CEO bonuses” was it Dodd, Geitner/Obama who opened the door for Bailout money to reward the executives who ruined AIG? Are the execs “greedy”, “fat capitalists” or just MBAs who have a good compensation contract? Who cares but the Obama followers who along with posturing politicians like Chris Dodd & Barney Frank who pander to the populist rant du jour, they all remind me of the French peasants who beheaded Marie Antoinette et al.

The real issue being that the government should have stayed out of the mess in the first place and allowed the free market to decide the fate of AIG. Guess who doesn’t us to know that Nancy Pelosi’s husband was invested in AIG to the tune $.25 – $.5 million dollars and Sen. John Kerry’s wife was in to AIG for over $2 million dollars, both of them standing to lose big time from a bankruptcy. According to a Bloomburg report “Altogether, 56 senators and representatives had stakes in AIG, Lehman, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns Cos. or IndyMac Bancorp Inc. — some of the biggest casualties of the market bloodbath” Did they recuse themselves from the vote for the “bailout” LOL!

The bottom line is that if we didn’t hand over our grandchildren’s money to mismanaged companies, voted for by the very people who stood to gain from the bailout, CEO compensation would be a non issue.

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Halve The National Debt?

I haven’t blogged recently as the necessities of keeping our business going has had to take preference.

Today I have a small break and need to comment on Obama’s answer to the question of his increasing the National Debt.

To no surprise he typically blamed the other guy and then phrased his reply as to mislead the listener.

First he stated that he “inherited a huge debt from George Bush”, true $1.3 trillion dollars, (picture a stack of $100 dollar bills over 615 miles high) then he said his plan (if successful) would reduce the national debt 50% in FIVE YEARS, lets say that’s true as well. We are led to believe he is reducing George Bush’s administration’s debt while “saving” the economy. Hurray Obama!

What he didn’t say is that he is increasing the National Debt to $9 trillion dollars (picture a stack of $100 dollar bills over 4,261 MILES HIGH – Latest estimates are approaching $11 trillion dollars – 5,208 miles high). Obama then claims he will reduce that debt by 50% to $4.5 trillion dollars.

The bottom line is that even if Obama’s plan works the National debt will be three and one half times (3 1/2 ), or a stack of $100 dollar bills 1515 miles higher than the debt he “inherited”! –

Will he ever speak the truth, I doubt it.

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Learn From History

FDR’s Treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, stated in 1939

“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot!”

Need more be said

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First Broken Promise? Hardly

Nobama promised to post final bills on the Internet 5 days before signing, for the public comment. Whether our comments would cause a veto is another matter and I wouldn’t hold my breath on that score. That promise was broken right off when he signed the SCHIP legislation.

More importantly congress promised to post legislation on the Internet 48 hours before VOTING on it, before it’s sent to the president. There might be a chance to expose socialism, hypocrisy and pork there, but not only are they not keeping that promise to the public they aren’t planning to give the Republicans a chance to study it before forcing a vote either. How’s that for HR 1 transparency? It’s transparent they want to vote up this porkfest before it’s known what’s in it. We already know it’s full of pork, will usher in socialized medicine, expand government while throwing a few crumbs at temporary infrastructure jobs. Actually, only a pitiful 4% will be spent immediately, (the rest being spent in 2010 and 2012 – election years for buying votes) how is that going to jump start the economy?

When someone tells me I have to do it now or there will be dire consequences I KNOW there is something to hide, it won’t be good and when we find it out it’s way too late. So what else is in there?

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