Donald Trumps’ Support From Jewish Voters.

According to

“A new poll reveals that nearly a two-thirds majority of American Jews agree that former President Donald Trump is on Israel’s side — and yet 62% of American Jews still intend to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, regardless.”

Having just finished season 4 of “The Chosen” (which I recommend all Christians and Jews watch on streaming), I, sadly, do not question that statistic. It follows according to the Sadducees and Pharisees in Jesus’s time who, politically, against all evidence, refused to acknowledge Jesus as the son of God, regardless of his miracles, that could only have come from Gods hand, which were irrefutable. I’m not suggesting Donald Trump is on a par with Jesus Christ, however his support for the Jewish Nation is. Their refusal to acknowledge that support, by supporting his run for presidency, may not end in his crucifixion but may well allow continuation of the Muslims’ unabated persecution of their faith, with many executions of Jewish citizens, simply for vocal support of their Religious beliefs by speaking out against certain writings in the Koran.

Talk about History repeating itself, politics overrules facts.

Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

President Rosevelt

Following is quoted from multiple sources.

From “Roosevelt was president during a time of significant immigration — between 1900 and 1915 America welcomed over 15 million immigrants — as many as it had during the previous 40 years. During that time period more than 13% of the U.S. population were foreign-born, with the vast majority of them from Europe.

After he left office, Theodore Roosevelt fell out with the Republican Party establishment and ran unsuccessfully for another term as a progressive in 1912. At the end of his life he made his most famous direct statement on immigration and naturalization. In a letter published before his death in 1919, Roosevelt wrote:”

Following From Multiple Sources

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

The Commie “progressive” dombo/crats need to be here!! There can be no “something”/Americans period!

He Is A Fighter!

Following copied off

When Breitbart’s own singer/songwriter Jon Kahn sat down at the piano recently, he had one simple thought: What kind of man could withstand the relentless barrage of attacks that have been leveled at former President Donald Trump?

The answer was as simple as the question: He’s a FIGHTER.

E-Mail Providor Filtering Mail?

Check yours – I don’t have any Junk Mail Filters set
up on my account, yet many incoming E-mails are being delivered to a “Junk Mail” mailbox, which I recently started to look at instead of ignoring. There are many, many messages dealing with information on Trump Positively and information on Harris Negatively there! I don’t see those same messages (duplicates) in my inbox. These messages are coming from places I subscribe to and not from somewhere or someone I don’t usually get mail from, mass messaging to addresses they get from e-mail harvesting. While there are some truly junk messages, a very large quantity of potentially “filtered” messages are in it, enough to prompt me to post this. I believe it’s much more than a coincidence.

“Accuse others of what you do”

The saying, “Accuse others of what you do,” has been attributed to many evil insurrectionists in history, such as Hitler, Stalin, Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and probably more. We can debate all we want over who coined it, but the fact is that it’s used by the opposite of good, to bring about evil, and bad outcomes for their people. It’s used, if you study some of the masters of propaganda like Goebbels, Alinsky, or Bernays to divide a nations society, turn the people against each other by stirring anger in the uninformed and unaware who are readily susceptible to those lies.

If you believe the polls, I don’t, they’ve got us split down the middle, I hope and pray a great majority of the country are aware.

We see the Democrats, following that playbook, while Trump is trying to address all the harm these past Biden/Harris years have brought on. They won’t address or debate those issues though, just following the playbook to destroy the light of the free world.

During Debate Realization

As I watched the Presidential Debate between Trump and Harris, on the 10th, I became more and more angered as to the bias in favor of Harris by ABC and the moderators, however not surprised. I finally just shut it off. I’m sure you all know of the extent of it so I won’t bore you with the specifics.

During the debate a calm came over me as I realized the Good Lord Jesus Christ has a plan for humanity which includes people and events not to the liking of many. Today it seems to be split about even, each way, in the USA. History as seen people enslaved for centuries and then having leaders arise who bring God to the forefront, totally opposite previous leaders. This has gone back and forth throughout human history. It’s all in the plan that I, a mere mortal is unable to understand but to pray to accept, understand and follow my part. I do believe the plan is to grant those accepting Jesus’ dying on the cross for us, atoning for our sins, eternal salvation and those who refuse to follow him eternal damnation.

These past two years have seen many numbers of revivals, in and across college campuses, prisons, and churches, a spiritual awakening in the U.S. across different age groups, varying denominations, and diverse backgrounds. There have been many mass baptisms, from several hundred to several thousands in a single event. An inter-denominational baptism in California, on Pentecost Sunday, 2024, saw over 12,000 people getting baptized. I believe it signals a turning point, so many have realized we have dropped below what to expect and accept and realize enough is enough.

If you don’t agree with my posts or my positions on governments actions. I hold no animosity towards you and pray to my lord Jesus Christ for you own spiritual awakening. I have close family members who feel like you.

I found it difficult to express my faith in this post, however I believe those of us who follow Christ must not hide. Those who oppose us are in our faces with their evil desires for our Nation Under God.

I welcome any comments on any of my posts

Have Democrats Helped You?

Big Tech workers, who by and large receive high wages, are donating heavily to the Harris campaign. At the same time workers at lower wage pay, are donating more to the Trump campaign, over Harris. Why would you think workers at Walmart, who earn 37% less in average wage than workers at Amazon, and having less affordability to do so, would be doing that?

Admittedly, donations from Amazon to Harris have exceeded $1,000,000 while Walmart worker to Trump are under $200,000. They’ve been hurt the most by the Biden/Harris administration, are struggling to afford any amount and the cost of everyday living is more important than abortion rights, trans gendering, relying on imported oil and all other left wing ideals. They also realize keeping Harris isn’t going to benefit the common man, whose side the Democrats claim to be on. Under Trump we enjoyed a good economy, safe and secure borders, without the accompanying, current Fentanyl crisis and armed migrant gangs taking over apartment buildings in NY City, Colorado and other palces, and energy independence. As of this past May the U.S. had lost 3.82 million jobs due to the trade deficit with China. Manufacturing alone accounts for almost 3,000,000 of those jobs.

Bargain stores are closing because people who once could afford a few luxuries from bargain shops now need to eat.

Wake up, the only side the Democrats are on is their own, power, control and raking in billions of dollars from corruption and continuing to do so permanently.

Our Republic is in Grave Danger

The United States of America is a Democratic Republic – a government where the ultimate power lies with the Citizens Entitled to Vote for the officers and representatives responsible to them, not illegal aliens.

Illegal border crossings soared to record levels under Biden/Harris, averaging 2 million per year from 2021 to 2023, todays estimate is 10 to 11 million having been admitted. The illegals have arrived in every state in the country, overwhelming many cities and receiving aid not available to our veterans and citizens who live in similar circumstances. Funding will need to come from more taxation or the elimination of existing programs for citizens.

A Democracy is – a form of government in which power is held by the people, but which is   exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority, periodically renewed through elections.

The Democrats are calling President Trump a threat to Democracy, while in fact The Democrats are a grave threat to our Republic. Democracy, as the Democrats are controling, is the last step in the road towards Communism. We are living under an Authoritarian Government, resembling a democracy, holding elections and claimed to be a Democracy by the current administration. Being clear, Authoritarian governments do not respect the rights of individuals while appearing otherwise, however those in control of the government are using lawfare, the MSM along with social media pressure to ensure their election, making sure they keep actual power and control over what our children MUST be taught in public school, we are allowed to hear on the news, post on social media, own for self-defense and more.

To be a democracy it has to hold multi-party elections. In many countries holding elections, ours included, freedoms are being restricted and controls instituted on the way towards communism. Authoritarian leaders have learned how to rig elections in their favor, gaining or keeping a strangle hold over the citizens, enacting legislation restricting and gradually eliminating rights and freedoms.

According to the Washington Examiner – “Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris’s coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative),”

Collusion with, and pressure from the Democrats over MSM and social media, giving illegal aliens voting privileges, along with unjustified charges brought by the Biden administration against the one man with love for our country who can and will beat them, are most assuredly an attempt to influence the Presidential election. The assassination attempt will be another post, as it was much more than a 20 year old acting on his own and a security failure, it required outside influence and complicity from some of those protecting him. Who are those people?

Harris A Dime a Dozen

With Harris We’ll See More Judges Like This One

 Rebecca Lavrenz, the 72-year-old great-grandmother and faithful Christian who entered the Capital building and prayed for several minutes, caused no harm, and left when she was asked. Was brutally sentenced by Judge Zia Faruqui. Faruqui, a member of the Board of Advisors of Muslim American Public Service also took shots at Rebecca’s Christian faith which was not appropriate in any setting.

The sentence was: Six months house arrest, 12 months probation, A whopping $103,000 fine!

When imposing the monumental fine, referring the support she’s received in her fight from many faithful Christians, stated, “There is a wellspring of money that you have that I don’t believe is appropriate for you to have.”

The fine is the largest ever handed down for a misdemeanor. In addition to the sentence, the Federal Judge ordered Rebecca to be banned from using the Internet. Another unprecedented order that is almost only applied to child sex offenders. 

Judge Faruqui justified the Internet restriction by saying it prevents Rebecca from spreading “inflammatory material” in the lead-up to the 2024 Elections. Denying her, her free speech, because it exposes the left wing and their plan for our once great nation.

A preview of what will come should the Damn-no-craps win this November. Please pray and Help Get The Vote Out