Common Sense
René Descartes (1596-1650) was a French philosopher, scientist and mathematician considered to be the “Father of Modern Philosophy”.
In his Discourse on the Method he described common sense as the ability to judge and perceive things accurately, and everyone has enough of it to reason effectively “I think therefore I am“; however, he also noted that while everyone has this capacity, not everyone uses it. So apparent today in America and across the globe.
Quoted from “After all, is it common sense to pretend that men can be women? Or to pretend that you do not know what a woman is? During her confirmation hearings, a sitting member of the Supreme Court professed to be baffled by that question.
Is it common sense to open the borders of your country and then to spend truckloads of taxpayer dollars to feed, house, and nurture the millions of illegal migrants who have poured in (mine: bringing crime, drugs, child exploitation, demanding we communicate with them in their native tongue, throwing away tons of food daily, provided free to them with taxpayer dollars, because they don’t like it; end mine)?
Is it common sense to sacrifice competence on the altar of so-called diversity? To allow politicians to bankrupt the country by incontinent overspending? That’s the start of a list one could easily enlarge.
In the cultural realm, is it common sense to celebrate art that is indistinguishable from pornography or some other form of psychopathology? Is it common sense to rewrite history in an effort to soothe the wounded feelings of people who crave victimhood? Is it common sense to transform higher education from an institution dedicated to the preservation and transmission of the highest values of our civilization into a wrecking ball aimed at destroying that civilization?” end quote
Until the radical left wing Democrats start using common sense we will remain deeply divided.
Sam Said,
February 16, 2025 @ 11:22 am
They’ll never learn, can’t see past their rear view mirror