Entries from July 2024 ↓

More on Disgusted

Two weeks before the games, Brazilian surfer Joao Chianca was ordered to remove the image of Jesus Christ from his surfboard, or be barred from competing. https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/news/2024/07/olympic-surfer-forced-to-remove-christ-image-from-board

Claiming religious neutrality being part of the games’ rules, Mr Chianca, a gold medal favorite, had to remove Christs’ image from his surfboard, an image hardly to be seen by any watcher. But mocking religion with the drag queen display of the last supper is OK, why? Because it’s not depicting an actual religious symbol? How convenient.

Attendence being very low and Paris not getting the economic boost it expected is welcome


The woke mentality is everywhere it seems and we must work against it. God created man and women.

Drag queens mocking the Last Supper wasn’t the only part of the Paris opening flagrantly displaying it, there were several, drag queens holding torches floating down the river being another, along with several more parts of the entire show, those people are welcome to their life choices but to put it out to the world at an international competition and to those expecting a focus on sports and nothing more is beyond disgusting. When it involves young and impressionable children who were many among the viewers, it demands more than some BS apology. Of course they’re apologizing, making all sorts of claims of what it really was, many conflicting other excuses, and all BS. Is every “tom boy” or man child who played with dolls or put on a dress a homosexual or “other” when mature, hell no. I know a few and I’ll bet you do to. Now they are being encouraged to have sex changes in childhood without parental knowledge, hormone therapy and God knows what else which they will later regret. There are plenty already who have published their account of when, how, and the catastrophic effects on their lives.

What prompted me to write this was an e-mail I redeived from eBay yesterday. “You’re invited to participate in an eBay research survey”  “We’re exploring how eBay users like you buy automotive parts and accessories.” 

Normally I don’t participate in “surveys” as they almost always ask for “donations” to that cause. I figured eBay wouldn’t be asking for money, I was right, but when I got to the page shown in the screenshot here I blew my top, and closed it out, what I wanted to say there, about that section I couldn’t. What the hell has happened to our world, are we in the end times? Obviously they want to use that information for something or why would they put it out in that fashion. I can only guess it’s about more sales and gaining buyers. Well they lost one.

Threat to Democracy?

Really, with Biden dropping out what they themselves are doing to Democracy can all be found here: Must read!

From the link below “President Barack Obama. “The wealthy elites must seize power to save democracy. If the people choose a bad candidate because they believed the lies you told about him, you don’t just accept the will of the people. You stage a coup and overrule those idiots. Simple.””

Because big money was holding back “donations” (really buying influence) until Biden was off they are “saving Democracy”



Secret Service Job Requirements

From the Bablnon Bee, You gotta love it


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Joe, One Senile Elderly President, Heralding – Radical, Overweening, Bossy Idiotic Need, Escorting Total Tyranny Onto Thriving, Engraining – Bitter. Internal. Division Entirely Nationwide – Jackbooted Remorseless.

End of our Republic

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Our founding fathers made it clear, calling us a Republic and not a Democracy, their intention was not allowing our country to morph into a tyranny. Democrats decrying the end of democracy if their side loses are using the small nuance between the definitions to scare unaware voters away from their agenda, ending our Republic.

In a Democracy the majority rules, a Republic is also governed by the majority, however each states’ voters determine who makes the laws in their state, giving each state the right to enact their own legislation. Each state has electors tied to whoever received the majority of votes, the majority of electors from all states determine who becomes president, not the majority of votes nationwide, whether both majorities are the same or not. Keeping states and their voters in charge of their own laws, limiting the power of the federal government over every state. If you go along with the WOKE movement, DEI, gender identity etc, your welcome to vote those in, in your state, don’t force mine if our voters don’t.

In his first three days in office, Biden issued 30 executive orders, ending our energy independence and affordable fuel prices, increasing the cost of virtually everything we purchase, and opened our border allowing over 2,500,000 illegals into our country, to name two. As of July 2, 2024, President Biden has signed 139 executive orders, 190 presidential memoranda, 629 proclamations, and 129 notices. With a direct effect on individual states rights to determine their own laws.

Donald Trump signed a total of 220 executive orders from January 2017 to January 2021. As of April 2024, 71 of them have been revoked by Biden and the Democratic administration. The revoked orders strengthened our Republic, bringing greater security our borders, making us energy independent and returning power to the states.

The current administration and government agencies are creating rules and orders applying to every state, whether or not the voters in that state agree with them. These actions are ending our Republic, which is what the democrats are well into. What they’re really afraid of losing is their power to end our republic.

Should they stay in power we will become a tyranny with no hope of return.