
The woke mentality is everywhere it seems and we must work against it. God created man and women.

Drag queens mocking the Last Supper wasn’t the only part of the Paris opening flagrantly displaying it, there were several, drag queens holding torches floating down the river being another, along with several more parts of the entire show, those people are welcome to their life choices but to put it out to the world at an international competition and to those expecting a focus on sports and nothing more is beyond disgusting. When it involves young and impressionable children who were many among the viewers, it demands more than some BS apology. Of course they’re apologizing, making all sorts of claims of what it really was, many conflicting other excuses, and all BS. Is every “tom boy” or man child who played with dolls or put on a dress a homosexual or “other” when mature, hell no. I know a few and I’ll bet you do to. Now they are being encouraged to have sex changes in childhood without parental knowledge, hormone therapy and God knows what else which they will later regret. There are plenty already who have published their account of when, how, and the catastrophic effects on their lives.

What prompted me to write this was an e-mail I redeived from eBay yesterday. “You’re invited to participate in an eBay research survey”  “We’re exploring how eBay users like you buy automotive parts and accessories.” 

Normally I don’t participate in “surveys” as they almost always ask for “donations” to that cause. I figured eBay wouldn’t be asking for money, I was right, but when I got to the page shown in the screenshot here I blew my top, and closed it out, what I wanted to say there, about that section I couldn’t. What the hell has happened to our world, are we in the end times? Obviously they want to use that information for something or why would they put it out in that fashion. I can only guess it’s about more sales and gaining buyers. Well they lost one.


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