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A Lesson More Applicable Today

Posted here, in 2013, by a now deceased editor, we believe a immigration policy as such is even more required here today than 11 years ago. Thank the Good Lord our Country went decidedly for President elect Trump! This does not make President Trump, according to the Democrats, a  Hitler, Stalin, Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and probably others, a dictatorship or Nazi, it just takes sense if we’re to survive as a Nation.

A Lesson From Russia in 2013

He Stood Up!

God Bless young Liam. Our schools MUST end forcing far left wokism on our most vulnerable age groups. If they don’t abandon their own beliefs they’re punished? What has happened, President Trump will be ending it.

Our Republic is in Grave Danger

The United States of America is a Democratic Republic – a government where the ultimate power lies with the Citizens Entitled to Vote for the officers and representatives responsible to them, not illegal aliens.

Illegal border crossings soared to record levels under Biden/Harris, averaging 2 million per year from 2021 to 2023, todays estimate is 10 to 11 million having been admitted. The illegals have arrived in every state in the country, overwhelming many cities and receiving aid not available to our veterans and citizens who live in similar circumstances. Funding will need to come from more taxation or the elimination of existing programs for citizens.

A Democracy is – a form of government in which power is held by the people, but which is   exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority, periodically renewed through elections.

The Democrats are calling President Trump a threat to Democracy, while in fact The Democrats are a grave threat to our Republic. Democracy, as the Democrats are controling, is the last step in the road towards Communism. We are living under an Authoritarian Government, resembling a democracy, holding elections and claimed to be a Democracy by the current administration. Being clear, Authoritarian governments do not respect the rights of individuals while appearing otherwise, however those in control of the government are using lawfare, the MSM along with social media pressure to ensure their election, making sure they keep actual power and control over what our children MUST be taught in public school, we are allowed to hear on the news, post on social media, own for self-defense and more.

To be a democracy it has to hold multi-party elections. In many countries holding elections, ours included, freedoms are being restricted and controls instituted on the way towards communism. Authoritarian leaders have learned how to rig elections in their favor, gaining or keeping a strangle hold over the citizens, enacting legislation restricting and gradually eliminating rights and freedoms.

According to the Washington Examiner – “Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris’s coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative),”

Collusion with, and pressure from the Democrats over MSM and social media, giving illegal aliens voting privileges, along with unjustified charges brought by the Biden administration against the one man with love for our country who can and will beat them, are most assuredly an attempt to influence the Presidential election. The assassination attempt will be another post, as it was much more than a 20 year old acting on his own and a security failure, it required outside influence and complicity from some of those protecting him. Who are those people?

Threat to Democracy?

Really, with Biden dropping out what they themselves are doing to Democracy can all be found here: Must read!

From the link below “President Barack Obama. “The wealthy elites must seize power to save democracy. If the people choose a bad candidate because they believed the lies you told about him, you don’t just accept the will of the people. You stage a coup and overrule those idiots. Simple.””

Because big money was holding back “donations” (really buying influence) until Biden was off they are “saving Democracy”


End of our Republic

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Our founding fathers made it clear, calling us a Republic and not a Democracy, their intention was not allowing our country to morph into a tyranny. Democrats decrying the end of democracy if their side loses are using the small nuance between the definitions to scare unaware voters away from their agenda, ending our Republic.

In a Democracy the majority rules, a Republic is also governed by the majority, however each states’ voters determine who makes the laws in their state, giving each state the right to enact their own legislation. Each state has electors tied to whoever received the majority of votes, the majority of electors from all states determine who becomes president, not the majority of votes nationwide, whether both majorities are the same or not. Keeping states and their voters in charge of their own laws, limiting the power of the federal government over every state. If you go along with the WOKE movement, DEI, gender identity etc, your welcome to vote those in, in your state, don’t force mine if our voters don’t.

In his first three days in office, Biden issued 30 executive orders, ending our energy independence and affordable fuel prices, increasing the cost of virtually everything we purchase, and opened our border allowing over 2,500,000 illegals into our country, to name two. As of July 2, 2024, President Biden has signed 139 executive orders, 190 presidential memoranda, 629 proclamations, and 129 notices. With a direct effect on individual states rights to determine their own laws.

Donald Trump signed a total of 220 executive orders from January 2017 to January 2021. As of April 2024, 71 of them have been revoked by Biden and the Democratic administration. The revoked orders strengthened our Republic, bringing greater security our borders, making us energy independent and returning power to the states.

The current administration and government agencies are creating rules and orders applying to every state, whether or not the voters in that state agree with them. These actions are ending our Republic, which is what the democrats are well into. What they’re really afraid of losing is their power to end our republic.

Should they stay in power we will become a tyranny with no hope of return.

Our Voices Must Be Heard

With Democrats regaining the house seat George Santos turned red, a hard road awaits. The GOP still has control of the house, and Santos being guilty of the crimes he’s charged with he must be removed, joined by every crooked politician at every level of government

Not arguing against the charges brought by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of New York. But it’s the U.S. Attorney’s office going after President Trump, with unproven, unfounded and dubious charges. I wonder how many Democrat Congressmen were Scrutinized for any similar crimes, I’m reasonably sure many Republicans were.

That said, Santos hadn’t been convicted of any charges when impeached, and hasn’t as of yet. Consequences of this immediate reaction by the house, losing one party member remains to be seen.

In the mean, while we have our current President, according to the U.S. Attorney investigating charges against him regarding classified documents, could certainly be charged wasn’t. Why? Getting a conviction against him because of what follows would be futile and therefore a waste of time. According to the report – Mr. Biden comes across as an “elderly man with a poor memory” – Biden’s memory was “significantly limited” – “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” – “In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse,” the special counsel report the “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended … and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began.” Of course, the Left is screaming that including such descriptions has no place in the report and Biden states his memory is perfect and “I have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom and know more than the vast majority of people,”

Why are they running him again? He’s a face and a puppet. Someone else, or group, is calling the shots and doesn’t want to let go of their steel grip on the power to destroying our rights and freedoms, and sovereignty. The America I was blessed to live my life in will be no more.

Border Bill What’s In It.

Handing away our once great nation.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/states-start-giving-taxpayer-money-to-illegal-immigrants-5581135?utm_source=Enews&utm_campaign=etv-2024-02-06&utm_medium=email&est=boDhoLdhebPDF3Xs%2F%2Bf3viJHMVqo LjThS3H6k2%2BWDw4psMjGEi893pAJ0X3%2BZgbFHfI97w%3D%3D

Rep. Gimenez to Newsmax: Biden Can ‘Snap His Fingers’ to Fix Border

Read it here on Newsmax:


January 6 Must See

Watch the documentary now, if you haven’t seen it, and/or share it so more than 100 million people will see it. All Americans deserve to know the truth.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-real-story-of-jan-6-documentary-4596670?utm_source=News&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2023-12-16-2&est=pbhScwRMSk9Vb3S9iPgC3OEouNp35x0GxsKoahEI%2BgAlH16wpvkz GddO%2BGH9E9qB4SMIfA%3D%3D

Trump Quotes Putin to Trash Biden on ‘Rottenness’ of US Politics


“Even Vladimir Putin — has anybody ever heard of Vladimir Putin of Russia? — says that Biden is, and this is a quote: ‘The politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,'” Trump told his crowd. “So you know we talk about democracy, but the whole world is watching the persecution of a political opponent that’s kicking his a**.

“It’s an amazing thing. And they’re all laughing at us.”

End quote