Archive for Nationwide

Divide and conquer?

Today our ethically challenged Senator Chris Dodd introduced a new 1000 plus page bill of “sweeping changes” to the way money markets and banks are regulated. Scrapping the current oversight by the Fed, FDIC and SEC placing regulatory control under a new bureaucracy run by political appointees. Forget for a moment that Chris Dodd was the architect of legislation and regulations that lead to the economic collapse and the mortgage meltdown. Aside from the fact that nothing has changed to correct those disasters his proposed bureaucracy will now control all the money and controlling all the money controls everything else.

Obama’s presidency is all about control as he watches himself walk by the mirror. His agenda is to rule over every aspect of our lives and he knows that money is the ultimate control, so it’s no wonder that he stands behind Chris Dodd and stumps for his reelection.

Cap and trade, health care overhaul, socialist czars with sweeping powers over free enterprise, thought and speech, and now complete government takeover of the entire financial industry! Is Obama overreaching and should he be stopped? You bet!

The White House makes up completely bogus “jobs created or saved” numbers, allows men and women to die in Afghanistan while he pussyfoots around, stating he’s “uncomfortable with the concept of victory” (yes he said that!). Our commander in chief apparently thinks the Fort Hood killings were less worthy than a self-important speech to Native Americans. Perhaps he learned from the Gates incident that without a teleprompter bearing the reflection he so loves his true feelings are evidenced and people find out who he is and what he really believes. But the Teflon President has a worshiping press that comes to his aid along with a Congress that ignores the Constitution and passes healthcare legislation that is actually little about health care and a lot of government control over everything else.

On the heels of passing “health care reform” that Obama and the left want despite every reliable poll showing most people don’t, his worshipping accolade Chris Dodd writes a monstrous bill handing him more power! One has to ask himself what the blazes are they trying to do, I say they’re trying to divide and conquer. There are so many hot button issues that Obama’s pursuing he’s overloading the resistance. Whether you believe in free markets and small government, or that health care is your own responsibility and decisions are between you and your doctor. Or if you believe Cap and Trade will kill more businesses and increase the cost of most everything else or that handing complete control over the money markets to a single government bureaucracy is lunacy, there’s an issue for you. Obama may be attempting to divide his opposition into so many different areas he’ll be able to make an end run around several camps instead of hitting a united font against the greatest threat our liberties have ever faced. Understand your enemy’s strategy and you’ve a good chance of winning, each separate issue is but a single part of the whole. By standing together and putting aside our individual concerns we can stop the madness.

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Cancel your HBO

“Comedian Larry David and HBO find humor by urinating on a painting of Jesus Christ and mocking of Christians in the latest episode of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm.’ ”

Cancel your HBO and tell your cable provider you will not subscribe to the appropriate plan until they remove it from their package.

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Boycott The Home Depot

A Florida Home Depot store fired a young patriotic Christian man named Trevor Keezer for wearing an American Flag pin bearing the words “One Nation Under God Indivisible” see Fired for Wearing ‘One Nation Under God’ Pin

That event underscores the left wing’s reach in destroying America as we know it.

I urge everyone to boycott The Home Depot.

Fox News Report

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Nobel Laureate Obama – huh?

According to the Nobel Prize committee president Obama wins this years Peace Prize for his “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” Nominations were due to the committee on Feb. 1, Obama took office on Jan. 20 – Hello! What has he accomplished to date let alone in his first twelve days as president other than spout high sounding rhetoric? It appears that what I say I’m going to do is as good as doing it. However it may simply be a consolation prize for not getting the Olympics or for the inability to un-prize George W. Bush.

According to Republican strategist, Ed Rollins “Three speeches is a start.. … Is it really that he built peace in the world or that he wants peace? I congratulate him for it. The key thing is what does he do now to earn it.” I say don’t hold your breath.

Sharing the honor with former winners such as Internet Al Gore the prophet of the myth of global warming, PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Jimmy Carter the heretofore worst U.S. President and champion of Socialism, one can see the Committee has a peculiar taste when it comes to acceptance of unproven speculation as fact, terrorists and left wing idealism.

Hope and change folks!

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Politics above country

Obama, eternally in campaign mode is wrapping his arms around the unworthy Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, while buffoon Biden stumps for little known Connecticut Congressmen, all up for election in 2010. Dodd’s disastrous poll numbers show the Connecticut Socialist, friend of Fidel Castro and Latin American Leftists is in political peril with coat tails long enough to bring other Connecticut Democrats down with him. Hence the sudden attention to a state that’s been solidly and deeply blue, virtually ignored by presidents and presidential hopefuls.

Chris Dodd used his committee chairmanship over the banking industry to shake down the financial sector for gobs of campaign money. Scoring sweetheart deals along the way he unabashedly sold his position and created legislation favorable to the financial sector that led to the mortgage crisis, Chris Dodd bear market and the monstrous and growing multi trillion dollar deficit which will burden taxpayers for generations. Apparently Obama is good with that as long he can count on Dodd’s yea vote for any and every piece of Socialistic legislation.

President Obama, in showcasing Dodd, is all but admitting that his policies are in trouble and attempts at passing legislation palatable to the sum total of his filibuster proof congress has thus far failed and unlikely for the foreseeable future. He desperately needs to hang on to his majority Congress beyond 2010 in order to force feed us his socialist agenda, however he’s looking at a very possible future as a lame duck.

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Why Tea Parties – because..

Career politicians of both parties are bent on creating policy ensuring they have a life time job as the elite shepherds of the common man. Elevated to their lofty positions by those who votes they buy through promising them a share of the pie they didn’t earn.

Protesting those policies hoping to remove those responsible are one of the few ways we can attempt to foster a real change and a return to smaller government and personal responsibility. It is not about the man but about the system, everyone in government is responsible for keeping the system intact as the founding fathers envisioned. They foresaw the current situation and drafted our constitution in hopes of preventing it from coming to pass. Over time, and it didn’t happen overnight or even with the last election, politicians have corrupted the system and we are on the verge of collapsing as a free market democratic society. The last election was the last straw.

Join the resistance

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How we got here

Everyday I ask myself how did this happen, thinking about the current administration who’s policies, which if unchecked, are sure to turn this once great nation into a third world country, or worse. How did we elect a President that insults our allies and kisses up to the enemies of freedom as he rushes headlong to institute policies of a purely socialistic nature? A president who won’t “meddle” in the affairs of Iran or North Korea but forcibly dictates to Israel, who tells Russia that our defenses can’t protect us from attack. Who in his own words from Audacity of Hope: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” he seems to prefers sharia law over democracy.

How did this happen in America?

Total 2008 Voter turnout is estimated at 60.7% – 61.7% of all eligible voters.

Obama garnered approximately 65.97 million votes and McCain 57.77 million, lets see, of all the eligible voters in the United States 33% supported Obama 27.7% supported McCain and 39.3% didn’t vote! Hardly an overwhelming victory.

More math – African Americans comprise 13% of the electorate, 98% of those voted for Obama. If the African American vote mirrored the voting preferences (33% Obama – 27.7% McCain) of the entire country then Obama would have lost to McCain by over 6 million votes.

What does this all mean? Nothing really just that numbers can’t be trusted.

The greatest majority chose not to vote, indicating their happiness with the status quo! Why do we wonder how we got into this mess?

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Coming soon, King Obama!

Obama and his cronies are not only staging the biggest power grab in U. S. history effectively castrating free enterprise by putting the government in control of the financial markets and thereby what businesses may survive, riding herd over the auto companies and in the UAW’s pocket with sights set squarely on health care, get ready for King Obama!

As if that’s not enough for Obama’s first 100 days imagine the next 4 years! Still his supporters are planning to make him president for life, a proposed constitutional amendment introduced on January 9, 2009 by Rep. José Serrano [D-NY] will repeal the 22nd amendment, ending term limits on the U.S. President!

Before the November election, I had predicted this would happen if Obama were elected and find it no surprise that the process allows up to SEVEN years for the states to ratify an amendment.

I don’t believe they’re just testing the waters and with Obama’s close ties to ACORN, who’s machinations are being prosecuted in several states, and other “community groups” that will receive $4 Billion dollars in Federal Stimulus the danger is all too real.

Folks unless we scream long and loud our American way of life is about to disappear!

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I will not go willingly

Part of a post I made on another blog stated “Those who dismiss us and call us names should read a little history, stop drinking the Kool Aid and join the fight to take our country back.”

A liberal poster wrote that I was calling names by “implying” that every one who does not agree with me is drinking Kool Aid. Said my Grandparents welcomed the new deal and I obviously didn’t understand history. Kind comparing apples and oranges but I felt inspired to answer and thought it was too good not to appear here as well.

1.The liberal left has made a science of “implying” that all people who disagree with their politics are, gun toting, right wing extremists, clinging to a God they deny exists, are nuts at best and dangerous at worst ad nauseum. We’re just following your lead.

2. My grandparents emigrated to this country with a trunk of clothes and what money they had saved. They learned the language and raised their children in a country of unparalleled freedom. New dealers they weren’t and were they alive today they would have stood with us in Hartford. Two were farmers who by their own sweat and hard work kept their farm and raised their children during the great depression. My other two were city folk who swept buildings, scrubbed floors and did anything else they could do to keep their home and feed and clothe their children during those same times, and succeeded. They never took a penny from the government and never expected to, they never stood in a bread line and would starve first. They would perish at the thought and shame of asking anyone for a handout because they were poor and struggling to keep their hard earned homes. They were proud and I am blessed.

My wife’s grandparents lived in similar fashion, farmers and city folk. They, as did many many others also refused to look to the government to carry them through the depression and would die of hunger rather than stand in a bread line. They and thousands of others stood on their own two feet and by the sweat of their own labor kept their homes, fed their families and survived the worst economic crisis in all of history, and so can we.

3. At age 62 I’ve lived a bit of history, growing up on a farm with only a wood stove for heat and no indoor plumbing, but it was ours. I milked cows by hand and worked the soil from the time I could first hold a hoe. I was taught by teachers who preached the 3 R’s, not government dependence, who taught because they had a passion to teach and not for the perks. I learned in schools where we said yes ma’am and no ma’am and recited to Pledge of Allegiance every morning while saluting our country’s flag. We could also pray to God and celebrate Christmas and Easter. You passed or failed by your own performance and weren’t moved along because those who wouldn’t or couldn’t make the grade would feel bad, everyone didn’t get a star or play on the team, teaching us work all the harder. Students, myself included, stood in the corner, sat in the cloak room or felt the sting of a pointer, yardstick or 18 inch ruler when we were cutting up or being sassy, and are better people for it.

I apprenticed as a tool and die maker at a Connecticut manufacturer that disappeared along with thousands of jobs many years ago, was drafted into the Army and proudly served my country in Vietnam. Upon returning home I could have collected unemployment but because I had a trade they harassed me until I took a much lower paying job while a long haired ex classmate, in line ahead of me, wearing peace signs and the odor of pot collected his check every week without question. I worked at my trade, bought a house and provided for my family while so many were already drinking the Kool Aid of the left demanding more from the government, scorning the U.S. soldiers, smoking dope and living off the government’s largess. At work I was forced to pay union dues to the UAW or I couldn’t have a job because Connecticut is not a right to work state. The UAW used my dues to support candidates that I did not, and they wanted me to goof off because I was working too fast. I eventually rose to the position of mechanical engineer at that international company which once had several plants in Connecticut but now there are none, gone along with many hundreds of good paying jobs. To those losses I credit the UAW and our greedy politicians feathering their beds at the workers and taxpayer’s expense. Now my wife and I run a small business that our politicians are out to destroy by ruining the economy, destroying the free market and printing trillions of dollars to feed the pig. At the same time our customer base is reeling from the economy left wing legislators created, they’re planning on taking greater fees and higher taxes from our meager profit to give to someone else. Something is terribly wrong and I will not go willingly

4. Am I being critical? You bet I am. Is my criticism unfounded? Hardly!

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Taking government back

I find it interesting that those supporting the TEA parties are posting comments and writing blogs thoughtfully and with calm assuredness, while those supporting Obama and runaway government and socialism are name calling and Bush bashing in those same threads. Why, because they have no intelligent argument!

I know many people who wanted to come yesterday but work kept them away. I have no doubt that everyone there knows at least one other person and most likely several more. At the very least that would have doubled or tripled the turnout, and that was only a beginning. I personally vow to convince at least one person who would NOT have went to Hartford to go next time.

Those who dismiss us and call us names should read a little history, stop drinking the Kool Aid and join the fight to take our country back. If you want your children, grand children and great grand children to prosper by their own hand and be able to live in the degree of freedom our grandparents enjoyed, you better get on board. I say your grandparents because if you ask them you’ll see just how much our rights and freedoms have been abridged over the last 70 years.

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