Plan Ahead for ’10 & ’12!

“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Tom Landry

Our Goal is to foil their socialist agenda now, and unseat Obama and the “progressives, liberals, socialists”, both state and federal, in elections 2010 and 2012. What we need to focus on is a plan to achieve that end. The time to start is now, before they do so much damage to our constitution, freedoms and livelihoods that it would take generations to undo. Here is our plan so far, I will keep adding to this list, feel free to comment with your suggestion.


  • Let your views be known.
  • Write your representatives often.
  • Write your representatives PROACTIVELY not reactively. Let them know before legislation is introduced that we are watching and will not support any (insert liberal garbage) legislation or the legislators who back it.
  • Write your newspaper(s) letters to the editor column. Many papers have forms on their web-sites to submit a letter for publication, most others will accept e-mail. Read their submission policies carefully, as any excuse not to publish letters at odds with their view will be used. Note that many liberal rags accept few submissions that express conservative viewpoints, keep writing them anyway let them know you will not buy a paper that is biased.


  • If you receive an unsatisfactory response let them know you will not accept it.


  • Keep the pressure on, remind them often that (insert liberal garbage) is a vote deciding issue.


  • Educate others about (insert liberal garbage).
  • Educate your self to intelligently counter any argument.
  • Be credible, get your facts first.

Feel no Fear!

  • The liberals are great for telling us what we should believe and how we should act, but they don’t practice what they preach. They call their own agendas and their opponents view the exact opposite of the truth. (such as the “Fairness Doctrine” and that we are the racists.)
  • Turn the tables and show how they or their view is actually (insert liberal BS).
  • Do not be silenced by fear of being called an (insert liberal BS).
  • Do not be afraid to speak your mind.

If we stick to this plan it will be much harder for them to ramrod their agenda and pass stealth legislation.

The clock is ticking!