Change is coming

Just called for Obama.

With November 4th behind us our country will take a new direction, a hard left turn with a murky future. Barack Obama favors bigger government and more social spending as an integral part of his personal utopian vision. But the larger issue is how fast and how far is he prepared to take us. His stated beliefs are a good indication that we won’t come to like it.

We now must be ever vigilant and offer no quarter when the legislation, judicial appointments, domestic and foreign policy decisions, sure to follow, are at odds with the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution. Our new President elect has already pronounced our constitution “flawed” especially by the separation of power constraints. This is the most dangerous thinking of all, should these constraints be lifted our heretofore democracy will succumb to autocratic fiat by appointed judges who would be free to make a rule of law based solely on his or her political belief, bias and agenda.

Make no mistake, it has happened before, we all know the results of Hitler’s Germany, Castro’s Cuba and even now rearing it’s ugly head in Chavez’s Venezuela. The time for silence and “it can’t happen here” thought is over. IT CAN HAPPEN HERE! We must all speak up and let our representatives know that we the people will not tolerate anyone, any decree or legislation that will turn our constitution inside out and lead us down the path of destruction. If we are to be government of the people we MUST be prepared to TELL our government exactly what to do, not the other way around.

There is a movement curently under way in the legislature to abridge our rights and freedoms. Two such attempts are; eliminating the requirement of a secret ballot when voting on union organization. The secret ballot is a cornerstone of democracy designed to free us from intimidation, how in God’s name will eliminating the secret ballot improve the election process! Are we all idiots! By the way, whether you believe it or not the new voting system has already made inroads into abridging that freedom in our general election process, as there is now a “paper trail” that without much added design can identify YOUR VOTE! How easy is would be to correlate your place in the voting line with a particular ballot, and how about the ease of altering the computer programming to favor one selection over the other? Secondly there is a planned revival of the (un) “fairness doctrine” it’s intent being the exact opposite of it’s name in that it is designed to silence the voice of opposition to leftist politics, specifically conservative talk radio. Whether you think it can or can’t happen here or if you think that it won’t go any further, watch carefully and be prepared to make your voice heard. Remember, “God helps those that help themselves”.

“”First they came…” is a poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group(wikipedia).” He was an early supporter of Hitler who was later imprisoned himself for opposing state controlled churches.

“When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist

When they locked up the social democrats
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.”

Would we like it to read? – When they came for the conseratives ……