Think Before you Vote

Before casting your vote in today’s presidential election, please consider carefully whom you choose to elect. Emotion seems to be the dominating reason to vote for a specific candidate. You have a right to be passionate if you’re voting for emotional reasons, but please don’t. This election will have a historic outcome regardless of who wins the White House. If the Democratic Party wins, Barack Obama will be the first bi-racial candidate to achieve the Nations highest office. If the Republicans win then Sarah Palin will be the first woman to become second in command and perhaps assume the top slot some day.

Emotion aside, there is duty to casting your ballot, the electorate’s charge is to vote for whom, in your estimation, is the best candidate for the particular office. Common sense and knowledge of a candidate’s record will suggest the likely course this person will take on all issues affecting the course of this Nation. That should be the determining factor as your voting duty is to vote for the candidate most likely to preserve the intent of the founders of this great nation.

On one hand we have a candidate in Barack Obama that has little record from which to discern his ACTUAL stance. He speaks a different line depending on what group he is speaking to. His voting record is rife with “PRESENT” votes; does anyone know what his true positions are?

On the other hand we have a candidate in Senator John McCain that has spoken consistently and has a CLEAR voting record. His record suggests that his philosophy is not much different from Senator Obama’s, however we know where he stands and the likely course of his administration.

A lot of us don’t like either candidate and we must wait four more years before having another choice. I’m good with that, however at the very least, I would like the country to remain on the current trend rather than swing so far to the left that it would take generations to undo the damage our rights and freedoms will take under Barack Obama.

Think about these excerpts from Connecticut’s Waterbury Republican

  • “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all” John Kennedy

  • “Always vote for principal, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost” John Quincy Adams

  • “If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves” Thomas Sowell

  • “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods” H.L. Mencken

  • Democrats are the only reason to vote for Republicans” Will Rogers

Please vote responsibly.