Donald Trumps’ Support From Jewish Voters.

According to

“A new poll reveals that nearly a two-thirds majority of American Jews agree that former President Donald Trump is on Israel’s side — and yet 62% of American Jews still intend to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, regardless.”

Having just finished season 4 of “The Chosen” (which I recommend all Christians and Jews watch on streaming), I, sadly, do not question that statistic. It follows according to the Sadducees and Pharisees in Jesus’s time who, politically, against all evidence, refused to acknowledge Jesus as the son of God, regardless of his miracles, that could only have come from Gods hand, which were irrefutable. I’m not suggesting Donald Trump is on a par with Jesus Christ, however his support for the Jewish Nation is. Their refusal to acknowledge that support, by supporting his run for presidency, may not end in his crucifixion but may well allow continuation of the Muslims’ unabated persecution of their faith, with many executions of Jewish citizens, simply for vocal support of their Religious beliefs by speaking out against certain writings in the Koran.

Talk about History repeating itself, politics overrules facts.


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