Are we on the brink of another Civil war? The left and the never Trumpers are bringing us precariously close. Conservatives are being accused of doing exactly what the left wing liberals are promoting. We suffered through 8 years of Obama, quietly waiting for the chance to elect a conservative minded, America loving President. We never dreamed of or stooped to the tactics the left is using in an attempt to remove our President and denigrate his supporters, while ignoring the crimes and transgressions committed by defeated Hillary. They call for and commit violence against us, saying we’re white supremacists, misogynists, anti LGBT, racist, and more, comparing us to Hitler, rationalizing said violence with hollow accusations of how evil we are without any facts to back those accusations up, pretending to know what we believe. They’re advocating physical confrontation and attacks on all conservatives especially on Republican Senators and Congressmen. Those calls are rationalized by rhetoric without any substantive proof of actuality, coming not only from those blinded by mainstream medias biased reporting but also from several elected officials of the Democratic party, without a single other party official calling them out! Donald Trump was duly elected while criminal Hillary was defeated, so goes the will of the American people. God hope for a red wave in November!
What are they afraid of, an America where we abide by the Constitution that has made our country a shining beacon of the free world for the past 242 years, or are they wanting us to be another Venezuela where socialism has failed miserably for the masses but those in power have all the power they crave and they’re craving power? Rationalized by claiming it’s too important to stop President Trump and his agenda and anything else they believe will gain them followers when nothing but the opposite is true. Look at the positive effect on our country since Trump took office, economy, jobs, our place as leader of the free world instead of just another country embracing socialism, etc.
Our youth has been indoctrinated by socialist and communist propaganda while those of us believing in American values relied on facts to prevail, however they haven’t. I pray “One Nation Under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all ” will survive.