Why isn’t this attack a hate crime if a “white hispanic”, newly coined so by the one sided PC crowd, reportedly defending himself is?
Read the story on KJTH TV Ch 2. All Stories about the attack & arrest.
Summary, here’s a story you won’t hear about in the mainstream media!

Nancy & Bob Strait
Bob Strait, 90 a veteran of the 101st Airborne, was married to his wife Nancy, 85, for 65 years.
On March 14, 2012, their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma was invaded by Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, 21, a black thug armed with a BB gun.

Tyrone Woodfork
Tyrone beat the couple and raped Nancy, leading to her death a day later.
“Instead, all the self-righteous attention is on black victim Trayvon Martin, and the demonized George Zimmerman, described by the NY Times as a “white Hispanicâ€Â leave it to liberals to out-Nazi the Nuremberg Laws.
Let me state the obvious: The Straits are not the victims of a hate crime, they don’t even exist and count for nothing in the cynical calculus that animates the mainstream media and the politicians who feed on politically correct corpses.
As for President Obama, you can be sure he does not imagine Bob or Nancy Strait as his parents.” Perhaps if they were wearing hoodies?