Archive for Nationwide

Main Stream Media’s and The Radical Left’s Cognitive Assessment

Main Stream Media’s and The Radical Left’s Cognitive Assessment

Personality disorder evidenced by Severe Histrionics Instantly Trump Faces Out Recurring Biased Reporting  And Inaccurate News  Sources – Otherwise known as S.H.I.T.  F.O.R.  B.R.A.I.N.S.

 Histrionics – Can’t be cured, but treatment may help

Definition – exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention.
synonyms: dramatics, theatrics, tantrums; affectation, staginess, artificiality

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America in Decline

History repeats itself. Given our unsustainable national debt – nearing $17 trillion and climbing – America is dying. We bicker over entitlement spoils as we pile up trillion-dollar deficits. Government is our daddy. Enforced equality rather than liberty is the new mantra.

In 1970, the average annual income was $9,350 per year, the average home cost $23,400, a gallon of gas cost 36 cents and the average car cost $3,900.

In 2012 the average median income is $50,964, the average home costs $146,000, gas averages $3.43 a gallon and the average car now costs $30,303.

Incomes went up 545 percent but the average home went up 623 percent. Gasoline went up 953 percent, and the average car went up 777 percent.  Median income peaked in 1999 at $54,932.

Inflation outpaces income, by a huge margin. It’s why it seems like you work harder and harder and have less. It’s also why it seems like previous generations made less and had more. It’s true. Why? Inflation wasn’t as great then as it is now. And it’s going to get even worse.

Our government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth at the expense of the private sector is more destructive than even it’s most deadly enemy.

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Gun Control?

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Where’s the Outrage? Abortion vs Gun Deaths

Sickened as we all are by the Newtown CT School shootings, I dare to put it into perspective. Abortion also kills children, call these babies whatever you like to salve your conscience, the reality is they are as much children as those who were senselessly murdered by a deranged individual. Sadly, abortion kills over 54,545 times as many children every year, over 54,559,615 since Roe vs. Wade, 3,287 will be murdered today alone!

Why is there no outrage over the 1.2 million children who are legally murdered each and every year with the blessing of the same government that wants to confiscate our guns?

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The Death of America

23 million Americans have no job. 46 million are living on food stamps. Our national debt is obscene. The U.S. government has lost its triple-A credit rating… and we are approaching a “fiscal cliff” in which hundreds of billions of dollars in spending cuts will strike another blow to our wounded economy.
America is getting older and is entering a state of decline. Political analysts see the nation bifurcating along “makers” and “takers” lines and like it or not, every man, woman, and child in the country is represented by an interest group. And the proliferation of interest groups eventually spells doom for the societies they inhabit.

What is an “interest group”? James Madison, said it best with his definition of “faction” in Federalist 10, as comprising “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community” .
First, America’s mammoth federal government constitutes an interest group itself, which means it does all the things other public and private groups do to protect itself. Second, about half of the population receives some form of aid from the federal government, according to the Heritage Foundation’s 2012 Index of Dependence on Government, and these recipients constitute perhaps the most behemoth group of them all. Third, close to one-half of the entire population does not pay federal-income taxes, a figure that climbed from 12 percent in 1969 to 34.1 percent at the beginning of the Bush administration to its current figure as President Obama starts his second term.
To recap, special interest groups within a society have little or no incentive to make any significant sacrifices in the interest of the society in which they exist. There is no constraint on the social cost such an organization will find it expedient to impose on the society in the course of obtaining a larger share of the social output for itself. This means nothing less than it says: a group will kill its host before relinquishing even a modicum of benefits for itself.
Hostess Brands, Inc., forced by a Bakers Union strike to shut down all operations and sell all company assets puting 18,500 out of work, is an excellent example. “Unfortunately, the company’s operating and financial problems were so severe that it required steep concessions from a variety of stakeholders but not all stakeholders were willing to be constructive,” said Ken Hall, the Teamsters’ Secretary-Treasurer. So much for our naïve notions about how interest groups proclaim to represent some greater good.

Taken from many sources and I apologize for lack of attribution.

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Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist.

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Slavery in 2012 Brought to You By The Democrats!

Everyone should see this movie!


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Another Government Attack on Religion

H.R. 2720 prohibits the government from interfering in the content of funeral services for veterans.

US Rep. Culberson originally filed H.R. 2720 in response to violations of religious liberty that occurred at the Houston National Cemetery in 2011, where a government official banned all references to God at military funerals, prohibited condolence cards with the words “God Bless You,” and even closed the chapel to the public.

To stop this unlawful and shameful religious discrimination against veterans and their families, Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs.  After months of litigation, Liberty Institute won that case.

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I can usually comprehend what others say or will admit my ignorance. But forever is not on the list. As I know it everything has an end.
So if I leave earth on a space ship going straight ahead I should be able to go forever! My mind can’t grasp either going forever or hitting a wall. What is on the other side?

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Outrageous attack on 90 yr old vet not in MSM!

Why isn’t  this attack a hate crime if a “white hispanic”, newly coined so by the one sided PC crowd, reportedly defending himself is?

Read the story on KJTH TV Ch 2. All Stories about the attack & arrest.

Summary, here’s a story you won’t hear about in the mainstream media!

Nancy & Bob Strait

Nancy & Bob Strait

Bob Strait, 90 a veteran of the 101st Airborne, was married to his wife Nancy, 85, for 65 years.

On March 14, 2012, their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma was invaded by Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, 21, a black thug armed with a BB gun.

Tyrone Woodfork

Tyrone Woodfork

Tyrone beat the couple and raped Nancy, leading to her death a day later.

“Instead, all the self-righteous attention is on black victim Trayvon Martin, and the demonized George Zimmerman, described by the NY Times as a “white Hispanic”  leave it to liberals to out-Nazi the Nuremberg Laws.

Let me state the obvious: The Straits are not the victims of a hate crime, they don’t even exist and count for nothing in the cynical calculus that animates the mainstream media and the politicians who feed on politically correct corpses.
As for President Obama, you can be sure he does not imagine Bob or Nancy Strait as his parents.” Perhaps if they were wearing hoodies?

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