Archive for January, 2025

24.4 vs 5.7

According to the CDC, for the latest year such statistics are available, Black women have the highest abortion rate than any other demographic population, 24.4 abortions per 1,000. Opposed to white women having a rate of 5.7 abortions per 1,000. In a total of 45.1 million abortions performed.

Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2024, as of noon on December 31, 2024, there were 45.1 million abortions worldwide. 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million from HIV/AIDS, 1.35 million from traffic fatalities, and 1.1 million from suicide. All deaths in the world, from causesĀ other than abortion, totaled 62.5 million, meaning that abortions accounted for almost 42 percent of all human deaths in 2024.

Think about that. The left is calling us conservative, anti-abortion proponents, racists wanting to trample on human rights. Who are the real racists? I submit the real racists are the Democrats and the left. For as long as I can remember, Democrats have claimed to be on the side of working class. I was a unionized factory worker once, we were told by our union leader to vote Democrat, and most of my co-workers did, I voted for Goldwater, who lost. Under the winner, LBJ, legislation was passed which benefited the Black population and he was perhaps the last Democrat to do so. SInce then, it’s been promises only, no reality, other than you can kill as many of your babies as you want, to keep your population from growing while keeping your vote, all in the name or human rights.

Abortion, where the mothers’ life is at risk is acceptable, however risk of death from pregnancy itself is .0001%. meaning 44,995,500 unnecessary abortions were performed. Do the math, by the numbers, abortion is racist, with Democrats leading the charge.

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