Entries from June 2012 ↓

SCOTUS Sold U.S. Out!

To get your Bumper sticker click on image below.


Slavery in 2012 Brought to You By The Democrats!

Everyone should see this movie!


Another Government Attack on Religion

H.R. 2720 prohibits the government from interfering in the content of funeral services for veterans.

US Rep. Culberson originally filed H.R. 2720 in response to violations of religious liberty that occurred at the Houston National Cemetery in 2011, where a government official banned all references to God at military funerals, prohibited condolence cards with the words “God Bless You,” and even closed the chapel to the public.

To stop this unlawful and shameful religious discrimination against veterans and their families, Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs.  After months of litigation, Liberty Institute won that case.